• 704-734-0509
  • info@gracechristiankm.com
  • 420 Branch St, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
  • Spiritual Emphasis Week

    “At Crowders Ridge, seeing God’s hand in the nature around us just helped me get closer to God. I learned a lot more about God, love, joy, etc. I am thankful to the school for offering me this opportunity to get closer to God, friends, and teachers.” -Eliana, 11th Grade.

    Every year, Grace Christian Secondary School students are required to participate in a spiritual emphasis trip that challenges their personal and spiritual development. To ensure students feel uninhibited during these trips, parents will not be allowed to attend. More information concerning this trip in mid-September will be given at orientation and as the date approaches.

    Youth Worship Team:



    “Crowder’s Ridge is a medium-sized camp that my school stayed at for two and a half days, and I really enjoyed staying. There were a lot of activities and fun things to do at Crowder’s Ridge such as volleyball, gaga ball, swimming, etc. My favorite activity while at Crowders Ridge was swimming–there was a slide and a zipline that zips over the water, there were also rafts that you could stay on in the water. Crowder’s Ridge is a great way to spend quality time with friends or family and bring them closer together. I hope we get to go again!” -Natalie, 11th Grade.